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If you look into Gangnam cataract ophthalmology surgeryModern people used to experience vision loss due to environmental factors. There are many factors that can cause vision loss, but typical of this is excessive use of electronic devices, which could also affect eye aging if sleep time is insufficient or stressed too much. It is most important to take care of your eyes steadily because you are in a situation where your eyes are overworked, but the desirable method was to take regular ophthalmological examinations. In particular, if you are middle-aged or elderly, it is recommended that you check your eyes thoroughly even if you do not have any special symptoms for about six months or once a year.Cataract and presbyopia are visible symptoms as you get older. Both presbyopia and cataracts have something in common that problems with the lens in the eye appear as visual parts, and aging was a major cause. However, the specific symptoms, causes, and methods of improvement were so different that it was necessary to check the initial symptoms through a test. The lens maintains its original transparent state, allowing the outside light to penetrate beautifully, and helps the image to be connected accurately. When the lens became cloudy, light could not penetrate properly, causing cataracts that generally seemed blurred and blurred. In the case of presbyopia, it is a symptom of reduced elasticity of the lens, which can be said to be a natural phenomenon caused by aging, and temporary correction was possible through presbyopia.On the other hand, cataracts need help from Gangnam cataract ophthalmology because they need to be improved by surgical methods. If discovered in the early stages, the progress can be slowed to some extent by taking medication and watching the progress, but surgery may have been inevitable in the future as it was only a temporary expedient. If it is not discovered and improved early on, the lens gradually hardens and the risk of complications such as glaucoma or blindness can be positive due to prognosis.In the early days, I could only show symptoms such as a slight decrease in vision. As it progresses, symptoms may appear in various ways, mainly double vision, main blindness, and light oozing, where the eyes can be seen better at night, were the main symptoms. Due to the symptoms of light spreading, streetlights, headlights, and sunlight spread, making it difficult to drive, or suddenly I could see the short distance clearly. These symptoms did not improve at all even when wearing presbyopia or glasses, but the fundamental solution was only through surgery to remove the existing lens and insert a new artificial lens.In the early days, I could only show symptoms such as a slight decrease in vision. As it progresses, symptoms may appear in various ways, mainly double vision, main blindness, and light oozing, where the eyes can be seen better at night, were the main symptoms. Due to the symptoms of light spreading, streetlights, headlights, and sunlight spread, making it difficult to drive, or suddenly I could see the short distance clearly. These symptoms did not improve at all even when wearing presbyopia or glasses, but the fundamental solution was only through surgery to remove the existing lens and insert a new artificial lens.The types of artificial lens inserted into the eye are largely divided into single and multifocal. It can be said that how much focal length can be improved is the reference point for distinguishing types, but short focal points can be improved only by one focus, so we chose one of the short focal points and corrected it. If the long distance is corrected, the remaining uncorrected vision (short distance) is corrected again using a separate vision correction tool, so there is a clear limit that the troublesome parts will not be completely resolved even after the surgery. With multifocal lenses, short, long, and intermediate vision can be corrected at the same time, so not only easy and natural daily life can be achieved, but also it has an excellent effect on not only cataracts but also presbyopia correction.The types of artificial lens inserted into the eye are largely divided into single and multifocal. It can be said that how much focal length can be improved is the reference point for distinguishing types, but short focal points can be improved only by one focus, so we chose one of the short focal points and corrected it. If the long distance is corrected, the remaining uncorrected vision (short distance) is corrected again using a separate vision correction tool, so there is a clear limit that the troublesome parts will not be completely resolved even after the surgery. With multifocal lenses, short, long, and intermediate vision can be corrected at the same time, so not only easy and natural daily life can be achieved, but also it has an excellent effect on not only cataracts but also presbyopia correction.Previous image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next imagehttps://www.youtube.com/shorts/7uVZaFapcrc

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